Alan McSmith
There is something that unifies us, regardless of why, who or what we are. We all aspire to discover peace in our lives. Or stillness. Or belonging. And within the pace and expectation of society, these are precious commodities. But in an ever changing turbulent world, how can we achieve this together?
I believe it can be achieved in Nature. By re-wilding our perceptions. Wilderness re-connects us with a profound inter-being: that the source of inspiration is within us. It aligns priorities. It explores a redemptive space from which meaningful and original creativity emerges. This is inspired humility. For the moment we recognise this inter-being, is the moment our leadership principles transform.
By using nature and natural leadership as a tapestry, Alan is an accomplished motivational speaker and storyteller, and is a TEDxAmsterdam invitee. His stories tell of wild adventures and life-changing chapters in the bush. Of incredible encounters and a special connection with the world's largest walking mammal; elephants. Of inter-connectedness. And of a recognition that ultimately, how goes it with nature goes it with us.
And how living patterns and principles are absolutely essential in modern leadership. We all have the capacity and responsibility to develop a remarkably different future … one that takes it lead from the wild. One that is innovative, restorative and ecologically aware. To forge together a different way of being with the earth and one another. Because we are in it, with it and from it at all times.
Join Alan in a conversation of impact and discovery to explore our fundamental kinship with nature. It's an invitation to step outside your imagination into the present moment, for it is here we are able to plug into the great operating system of everything: consciousness.