Praba Gopalan

Praba Gopalan

Chief Information Officer
Indika Energy Group

Praba Gopalan is the Group CIO for Indika Energy Group where he is responsible for defining the technology, digital, and AI strategy and roadmap for the diverse set of portfolio companies.

He has 17 years of experience as a technology practitioner starting his career as a software engineer, then a SRE and the founding member of a startup. Prior to his current role, Praba led McKinsey Digital in Indonesia where he delivered technology & data enabled transformations and built digital first growth engines for enterprises - across sectors ranging from heavy industries to fintech to healthcare.

5:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Collaborative Innovation

Prabaharan (Praba) Gopalan | Chief Information Officer, Indika Energy Group
Sudarto Unsurlany | Head of Digitalization, PT. Petrosea Tbk
Edwin Adiwinata | Chief Information Officer, PT Sepatu Bata Tbk.
Sigit Triwibowo | Head of IT and Digital - Chief Technology and Digital, IKEA Indonesia
Indra S Adillah | Head of ICT, Indonesia AirAsia
Hendy Harianto |Group CIO, Meratus group