Martin Wallgren

Martin Wallgren

Group CIO, Gulf Agency Company (GAC) HQ | UAE

Martin Wallgren has more than 24 years of experience in the IT division and 10 years on the Executive C-level. He has been working with Executive leaders, board of directors and management teams in many different companies and knows what it takes to create and implement a successful digital strategy and transformation. With inspiring presentations, excellent management capabilities, and a strong strategic plan he transforms organizations into digital leaders.

Martin is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and has led companies through the process of ISO certifications and strategical investments in the IT security segment.

Company BIO

Gulf Agency Company or GAC - Established in 1956 with the HQ based in Dubai. GAC operates in the segment of Shipping Agency, niche logistics, and maritime services and has 300 offices in 50 countries and 8000+