Ilham Ismail

Ilham Ismail

Head of IT & Data | CISO
Karibu Community Homes

My tech journey began with the iconic Commodore 64, and my passion for technology ignited early. From those humble beginnings, I embarked on a remarkable journey that spans over 27 years. Along the way, I’ve witnessed the evolution of IT, riding the waves of innovation, and embracing emerging technologies.

My coding adventures began with GW-BASIC, where I crafted my first lines of code. Little did I know that this would be the foundation for a career marked by ground-breaking advancements. As the digital landscape shifted, so did my focus. Today, I stand at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence (AI), leveraging its power to revolutionise businesses.

Artificial Intelligence isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the heartbeat of modern tech. While chatbots and Siri introduced us to AI, I’ve delved deeper. Generative AI, like ChatGPT, now astounds us by creating human-like text based on prompts. Imagine the possibilities: personalised marketing, streamlined customer service, and even routine software code generation. But with great power comes responsibility. Ethical considerations and explainable AI are my compass, ensuring that every decision made by the machine is transparent and justifiable.

The Internet of Things (IoT) weaves a digital tapestry across industries. Wearables, sensors, and interconnected devices optimise outcomes. Picture smart buildings monitoring energy usage, autonomous transportation systems, and healthcare solutions that improve patient well-being. Yet, as we expand IoT’s reach, cybersecurity becomes paramount. With my extensive expertise in cybersecurity, I’m committed to securing this interconnected web and safeguarding against cyber threats.

My journey spans diverse domains:

  • FMCG: Enhancing supply chains with predictive analytics.
  • Transportation: Revolutionising operations through data-driven insights.
  • Hospitality: Crafting smart hotels that anticipate guest needs.
  • Real Estate: Designing sustainable, connected spaces.
  • Government: Innovating public services for citizens.
  • Social Housing: Bridging gaps, one community at a time.

My role extends beyond theory. I’ve architected solutions for smart hotels, customer contact centers, and seamless operations. Whether it’s optimising fleet management or ensuring energy-efficient buildings, I thrive on turning ideas into reality.

In this ever-evolving tech landscape, I remain committed to driving digital transformation. Let’s continue shaping the future, one line of code at a time!

6:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Agility and Adaptability: How CIOs are enabling organizations to pivot and innovate rapidly to stay ahead of the curve.

Ilham Ismail | Head of IT & Data | CISO, Karibu Community Homes (Formally Inquilab Housing Association)
Dean Garvey-North | CIO – Director of Technology and Transformation, Affinity Water
Andrew Raynes | CIO, Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Mark Bramwell | CIO, Said Business School, University of Oxford
Paul Smith | CIO, Amnesty International