Charlie Valerio

Charlie Valerio

Chief Information Officer
Aboitiz Power Corporation

Having assumed various IT Executive/Leadership roles for 3 decades in global, regional and local capacity, Charlie Valerio is currently the Chief Information Officer of the Aboitiz Power Corporation.  Prior to this he was the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) of Phoenix Petroleum Philippines and, concurrently, the Group IT Head of Udenna Corporation; the SVP IT/CIO of Metropac Movers Inc; the concurrent CIO and VP IT of both First Philippine Holdings and First Gen Corporation of the Lopez Group; the Global Shell Downstream IT Program Director, Global Shell Retail IT Delivery Manager (covering 35 countries and 40,000+ Retail stations), Global Shell Downstream IT StratPlan Manager (managing Shell’s outsourced IT delivery centres in Bangalore, Manila and Rio de Janeiro), and Shell Philippines Downstream CIO.


Lastly, Charlie is currently President of the Project Management Institute (PMI) Philippines Chapter and Vice President of the Philippines CIO Association (PCIOA).

4:35 pm - 5:05 pm

Unleash the Might: Creating a Unified Vision and Stressing on the importance of aligning diverse stakeholders around a shared vision for transformation

Arlene Romasanta | Director of Knowledge and Information Systems Service (KISS), Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Sheridan Leroy Laroza | Senior Director of Information Technology, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Norman Carcellar | Chief Information Officer, Unioil

Dennis Omila | Executive Vice President Chief Transformation Officer , Union Bank of the Philippines
Lito Villanueva | Executive Vice President and Chief Innovations and Inclusion Officer, Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC)
Charlie Valerio | Chief Information Officer, Aboitiz Power Corporation