Alaa Alyaseen Kurbag

Alaa Alyaseen Kurbag

Director- Information Tech.
MAF retail Carrefour

Executive level professional with expertise in leading the design and implementation of robust enterprise solutions, guiding process development and streamlining operations within the retail industry. Renowned for reinforcing an enterprise approach to scaling data management, automation, systems infrastructure and workflow management as the IT lead for one of the largest retail chains within the UAE. Scale IT operations to eliminate bottlenecks, address cost control, improve yield, enable greater employee productivity and elevate the customer experience. Leverage broad based technology and business management skills to drive a culture of continuous improvements, adopting innovative solutions to deliver excellent customer experiences and achieve business results.

11:40 am - 12:10 pm

Gen AI - Use cases, Infrastructure Readiness and Adaptability

Moderator: Jeevan Thankappan | Managing Editor, GEC Media Group
Manny Johal | Chief Information Officer, Premiera Education Group
Alaa Alyaseen Kurbag | Director-Information Tech., MAF retails Carrefour
Vipul Singhal | Digital Transformation Leader
Arun Kumar Mohta | Group IT Head, FJ Group